Saturday, September 06, 2008

Nightmares + psychotest + a phone call = thank YOU for all.... (Monday, August 4, 2008)

Nightmares woke me up @ 5 this morning, and i found myself singing gospel and praying....Another weird thing happened, out of nowhere, sumthing in my mind and heart keep telling me over and over again that my sista is a kind of God's blessing for me and i gotta tell her about this....Is dat God speaking through my dream?

Dunno what to do, so i closed my eyes, empty my mind ( that's my sleeping pills ), and try to get some rest again, coz i gotta a psychotest @ 7....The pills didn't work as ussual this, i decided to text her about this and wishing her a nice morning.....

Went to Astra, all of the participant ( there was almost 150 of 'em ), gathered in the ARC (Astra Recruitment Center) room....the place couldn't fit us all, so the ARC team moved us to the auditorium @ 3rd floor....First they introducing about the company ( damn, it's bigger than i thought, hope i can be part of 'em )....Then come the math test, 40 tough questions, guided by tables consist information needed to answer ll of the trivia....couldn't finish them all, just about 30 out of 40....not bad huh???? i was worried already....second came the analysis test, we're given 20 short description paragraph and each of them have 3 statement....we have to decide which statement is true, wrong, or not given....This time i made it to the finish line....i was very thankful....based on this two test, they will determine who can go to the next phase....i keep crossing my finger .....and pray....

While the team checked our works, another task coming....self description....we have to describe ourself, the positive and negative value about our self, and reason(s) why Astra should hire us.... Time's up....result show time...i made it....i almost cry....silly huh? but i do feel excited....about 50 participants failes the first phase....less than 100 left....

Lunch time coming....they've prepared for's a good one....Back to the auditorium....1 form to filled out and 3 task coming in sequences, about drawing......tree drawing, person drawing, and we have to continue an unfinished drawing (8 items), we have to give mark for the easiest, toughest, the best drawing and the worst one....they were not a big deal, since i've done test like that before.....then come the interview, it was 14.30.....first one waiting hour was not really bad....keep wishing i'm the next though.....1 hour passed, came the second....i start to feel bored, i'm feel sleepy the middle of waiting and in the auditorium, i took a nap....short one...less than 30 minutes....Thank God, other-haven't-been-called-
for-interview participant still there...can you imagine if the auditorium is empty already....????

About @ 6 P.M. my turn come....the interview session wan fun...just asking about the answer in the form that they gave us before....less than 15 minutes...and Finished....fiuhhhh....spent half of my Monday there....but nor regret it at all....they will give announcement within 2 weeks....

Go last.....juz few blocks from home, my cell phone rang....from the ringtone i can guest who is my sista, wonder why? I was affraid that she's not gonna be okay becoz of the sms....maybe she thought it was creepy, unimportant, sillly or other negative thoughts (this things bother me all day from the second i sent the text this morning, but i try to ignore it).....Despite of questioning the sms, she shows care....Wowwwww....we chit chat for about 10 mins, she still got sum work to do....

Off the phone, i really feel that i have a...not perfect day, but it's just greater than good....find my self being so blessed the whole day....Thank You....Thank You...can even ask for i am, I am ready for another blessings..........Thank You for yesterday, today, and for the days coming....i know You care, and You'll always there to catch me up when i'm down....Teach me to be faithful unconditionally....

- let the words describe it self, all we can do just arrange it -

juz some of my thoughts....(part 2 )

The rainbow won't always be there after the rain, but the sky sure will be brighter than before....

Just be patient. .Things don't always turn out to be what we planned..

You wont know what you've really got from a friend until you lost them....

you can learn from everybody, even from a 1-year-old baby....

when HE told you to do sumthin that u don't even know what's good in doin it, just do it....even when you can't see the'll find that you are relieved....

a simple greetings/sms/phone call/e-mail can really make people when you got the chance to do it, just do it....maybe you can make 'em happy or even better, their reply will make you happy...who knows, right????

when you do your job just for the is all that you'll it with passion and'll see that it will give you things that you can't buy....

Homosexual is not a good way of relationship....but you can take a lesson from them....sumtimes they appriciate and love their partner much more than normal people do....

it's hard to do any kind of thing for the first's like when you learn how to will face failure....but once you can will start to run and jump....

wise man said that silence is golden...have you ever consider, when you speak your mind it can be platinum.....

sumtimes it can be a bad thing to tell someone the awful truth....but you can make it worse somehow if you tell a lie...even the white one....

life is not an emergency....

when a person was told that he/she was dying, actually it is the time when he/she start living....

it's ok to take a few step back, you can see the "picture" in wider mode....can help you to choose the right path....

your compliment about yourself doesn't count, others does.... be continue....

- let the words describe it self, all we can do just arrange it -

Sunday, July 20, 2008

juz some of my thought....

dont regret what've already happened, esp the bad one...go through it...and learn from it....regret wont make you feel better....every human being do mistake, thats juz normal

do believe that there's always sumthing good in you, dun underestimate urself

when u lost one of your belonging, juz let em go....the best ussually come after the good one goes away

dont be afraid to speak up your may be different from others, but it's originally's okay to be different, imagine when the whole world got exactly the same idea..

everything happens for a good reason, you juz can't realize it...yet...

you can give gift to sum1 without loving them, but you can't love sum1 without giving...

love you job,not the you love your job, you'll do it well and the money will come along....

having a friend is already a gift, the term forever is the mega bonus....

say the truth about everything, a lie is a beginning for a bigger bullshit....

if you wanna make a change, start with the reflection in the mirror....

the opposite of love is not hate....when u dont give it a shit anymore, it can hurt 1000x worse....

unconditionally and forever are two thingss that a human being can't provide....they're too good to be true....

when you face two paths in front of you, ask you heart what to do....

if you can't take it anymore, just leave it....they don't deserve you.... be continue....

- let the words describe it self, all we can do just arrange it -

Wait until the miracle happens....

For the last 3 months of my life, i've been wonderin what should i do w/ my life.
I did apply for a few positions, but still no answers from them ( i assumed that i'm not qualified) I suspend to take my master degree, keep wonderin, what major should i take, would it be the right one. . .

Honestly, sumtimes i do feel hopeless...there were time i imagined, what would i be if i didn't do the resign thing last year and left Bangka? 1 thing for sure, i won't be jobless like now. .but if you ever ask do i regret it? Hell NO....i'm glad i took that decision, and go back here....I got my friends here, not that i dont have friends there in bangka, but it was different, i couldnt really enjoy being with's just i'm belong here...

Could it be a Karma? The reasons why i took the job in Bangka not only becoz of the job....i'm running away from sm probs, thought i'll be good way out....Guess what, the runaway did work though....The life is good there, no traffic jam, eat healthier food, can safe money there....but i'm lonely :(
So i decided to go back after almost a year . .When i stepped my foot out from the airplane, feels like i'm alive again....But now, at this very moment....i have nothing to do....hopeless...Until that day, Sunday afternoon service, heard the leader sang this song "...But one thing HE ask,that we have faith in HIM, until the miracle happens.." (translated into English). It feel like He speaks to me, ask me to be patient and have faith...

And know i'm sure there will be great plan for me, it's just i can't see it yet....sumtimes u have to let go the good one to get the bestest thing in this world....exactly like what happened to me before, i lost a friend before i take my leave to Bangka, but as time goes by, He gave me sumone, a sista that i thought i would never have....All i gotta do now is do my best, and wait until the miracle happens (again...)

- let the words describe it self, all we can do just arrange it -

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Denias Goes To Oscar

Suatu prestasi yang membanggakan, film Denias bisa menunjukkan taringnya di kancah internasional....kalau anda belum menyaksikan film ini, saya anjurkan untuk melakukannya....Memang sekilas ini adalah film untuk anak-anak, tetapi tidak ada salahnya jika anda menyaksikannya, bukankah tidak ada film dengan peraturan untuk 17 tahun ke bawah, dan mereka yang di atas 17 tahun tidak bolah nonton????

Kalau saya boleh kasih saran, tayangkan film ini di sekolah-sekolah dasar, supaya para pelajar menyadari bahwa mereka cukup beruntung bisa sekolah, sedangkan di luar sana ada anak yang harus menyeberangi sungai untuk bisa sampai ke sekolah, bahkan tidak sedikit yang tidak pernah merasakan "nikmatnya" disuruh membuat pe-er dan belajar untuk ulangan besok. . . .

Kalau boleh saya mengutip ucapan Denias :

Nama saya Denias. Mama saya suruh saya sekolah. Karena dia bilang gunung takut pada anak sekolah.

My name is Denias. My mother told me to go to school. Because she said the mountains fear the scholars.

– Denias

- let the words describe it self, all we can do just arrange it -

Global Warming

Banggalah kita sebagai warga Indonesia, di mana Bali terpilih sebagi tempat di mana dunia berkumpul untuk membahas tentang pemanasan global....Apa alasannya Bali terpilih saya juga tidak tahu pasti, mungkin sekalian rekreasi ke pantai??? =) Apapun alasannya tidaklah penting dibandingkan dengan konferensi itu sendiri....
Jujur, saya tergerak untuk ambil bagian dalam mengatasi pemanasan global ini, walaupun sampai sekarang belum nyata aksinya. . . .Mungkin banyak orang berfikir seperti ini, buat apa saya ousing soal global warming, biar orang lain saja yang ahli yang turun tangan, lebih baik saya mengurusi bisnis saya. . . . Tetapi, pernahkan orang itu berfikir, jika bumi ini rusak dan hancur, bisnisnya pun tidak akan ada lagi. . . . Indonesia memang bukan negara penyebab pemanasan global terbesar di dunia, tetapi hal itu bukan berarti Indonesia tidak bersalah dan tidak perlu turut serta dalam usaha mengobati bumi ini. Pernahkan terbesit, mengapa di Bali UNFCCC dilaksanakan? Mungkin, ini hanya pemikiran saya, Indonesia merupakan tempat di mana andil terbesar dalam upaya mengatasi pemanasan global dapat dilakukan....Bukankah Indonesia dahulu adalah paru-paru dunia????
Mari kita mulai ambil bagian, tidak perlu dengan hal yang fantastis....mulai saja dari rumah dan diri sendiri....tanam pohon, atau rumput barangkali....kurangi konsumsi air dalam kemasan, bawa saja botol sendiri....masih banyak lagi hal kecil yang bisa dilakukan....
Mungkin bagi anda hal kecil itu tidak berarti, tetapi hal itu berarti bagi planet kita tercinta

- let the words describe it self, all we can do just arrange it -

Kasihan Pak Harto

Hampir setiap hari sejak Pak Harto dirawat di RSPP, berita baik di media cetak maupun elektronik, senantiasa memberitakan berita terbaru dari keadaan beliau, siapa saja yang datang berkunjung, atau berita-berita miring tentang "kejahatan" Pak Harto di masa lampau....Reaksi yang timbul dari penonton sangat beragam, mulai dari yang simpatik, hingga yang menghujat....
Banyak artikel yang bertujuan menyindir, antara lain Menunggu Kematian Paman Gober, Kunjungan Bruce Willis ke Indonesia, dsb....Apa gunanya artikel itu dibuat, toh Pak Harto tidak mungkin membacanya. . . . Apakah tujuannya hanya untuk bahan lelucon bagi pihak tertentu?
Saya bukan orang yang mendukung Pak Harto, dan saya pun tidak ingin menghujat beliau....Sebagai seorang WNI, di mana secara langsung maupun tidak langsung telah merasakan jasa kepemimpinan Pak Harto selama 32 tahun, saya turut mendoakan agar Tuhan memberikan yang terbaik kepada Pak Harto, sesuai dengan rencana-Nya, bukan sesuai dengan kehendak pihak-pihak tertentu. Tidak bisa dipungkiri ada pihak tertentu yang benci dengan beliau akibat kesalahan yang diperbuat beliau di masa lampau, tetapi mari kita memaafkan, soal ganjaran dan hukuman biarlah Tuhan yang menentukan. Jangan kita membuat kesalahan dengan tidak memaafkan ataupun membenci beliau....Kasihan Pak Harto, bagaimanapun beliau telah berjasa bagi negri ini....Semoga Tuhan memberikan yang terbaik untuk Pak Harto . . . .

- let the words describe it self, all we can do just arrange it -

Manusia Re-Aktif

Sadarkah kita, bahwa selama ini kita telah menjadi manusai yang re-aktif, manusia yang bertindak jika sudah terjadi sesuatu ( terutama yang negatif ). Lihat saja dari kasus Reog Ponorogo dan Lagu Rasa Sayang - Sayange....Kalau saja Malaysia tidak bertindak demikian, apakah Bangsa Indonesia akan tergugah rasa memiliki akan hasil karya seni bangsa sendiri....Berapa banyak dari mereka yang turut serta dalam demo, yang sebelumnya pernah terlibat dalam melestarikan kesenian tersebut? Saya tidak memiliki jawabannya, pertanyaan ini saya lontarkan hanya untuk menggugah kesadaran masyarakat akan budaya yang terjadi sekarang ini.

Saya akui, saya juga seorang yang re-aktif, manusia yang baru akan bertindak jika terjadi sesuatu. tetapi dengan belajar dari pengalaman, jauh lebih baik bila kita menjadi masyarakat yang pro-aktif. Bukankah ada peribahasa yang diajarkan dahulu ketika kita masih duduk di bangku sekolah dasar: sedia payung sebelum hujan, lebih baik mencegah daripada mengobati.... Peribahasa tersebut diajarkan oleh guru kita, tentu bukan hanya untuk dihafal, tetapi juga untuk dilaksanakan dan dipraktekkan. Mari kita bersama-sama menjadi masyarakat yang pro-aktif, dengan demikian secara tidak langsung kita membantu membangun Indonesia yang kita cintai ini, bahkan mungkin membantu dunia....

- let the words describe it self, all we can do just arrange it -