Sunday, July 20, 2008

Wait until the miracle happens....

For the last 3 months of my life, i've been wonderin what should i do w/ my life.
I did apply for a few positions, but still no answers from them ( i assumed that i'm not qualified) I suspend to take my master degree, keep wonderin, what major should i take, would it be the right one. . .

Honestly, sumtimes i do feel hopeless...there were time i imagined, what would i be if i didn't do the resign thing last year and left Bangka? 1 thing for sure, i won't be jobless like now. .but if you ever ask do i regret it? Hell NO....i'm glad i took that decision, and go back here....I got my friends here, not that i dont have friends there in bangka, but it was different, i couldnt really enjoy being with's just i'm belong here...

Could it be a Karma? The reasons why i took the job in Bangka not only becoz of the job....i'm running away from sm probs, thought i'll be good way out....Guess what, the runaway did work though....The life is good there, no traffic jam, eat healthier food, can safe money there....but i'm lonely :(
So i decided to go back after almost a year . .When i stepped my foot out from the airplane, feels like i'm alive again....But now, at this very moment....i have nothing to do....hopeless...Until that day, Sunday afternoon service, heard the leader sang this song "...But one thing HE ask,that we have faith in HIM, until the miracle happens.." (translated into English). It feel like He speaks to me, ask me to be patient and have faith...

And know i'm sure there will be great plan for me, it's just i can't see it yet....sumtimes u have to let go the good one to get the bestest thing in this world....exactly like what happened to me before, i lost a friend before i take my leave to Bangka, but as time goes by, He gave me sumone, a sista that i thought i would never have....All i gotta do now is do my best, and wait until the miracle happens (again...)

- let the words describe it self, all we can do just arrange it -

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